Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Makna Lambang
Berpedoman kepada Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan
UIN SGD Bandung
sebagai implementasi dari QS Ali Imran : 190-191
yaitu seorang Ulul Albab
yang memiliki karakteristik keseimbangan antara dzikir dan pikir;
Bintang Bersegi Lima Warna Emas merupakan titik poros utama melambangkan Allah SWT sebagai sumber dari segala sumber seluruh kehidupan manusia,
Bintang Bersegi Lima Warna Emas merupakan titik poros utama melambangkan Allah SWT sebagai sumber dari segala sumber seluruh kehidupan manusia,
termasuk ilmu pengetahuan yang tercermin
dalam Ayat-ayat Qur’aniyah,
dan sekaligus melambangkan
“Rukun Islam” dan “Pancasila” sebagai Dasar Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
Bintang Bersegi Enam Warna Putih melambangkan “Ayat-ayat Kauniyah”
Bintang Bersegi Enam Warna Putih melambangkan “Ayat-ayat Kauniyah”
yang harus digali, dikelola, dan dikembangkan
oleh manusia, serta dibimbing oleh wahyu untuk mewujudkan manusia
sebagai khalifah di muka bumi yang bertugas untuk
memakmurkan alam, dan sekaligus melambangkan “Rukun Iman”;
Buku-buku Terbuka Warna Hijau Muda yang melingkar melambangkan
Buku-buku Terbuka Warna Hijau Muda yang melingkar melambangkan
dinamika pengembangan rumpun keilmuan yang
beranekaragam, luas, dan mendalam
berdasarkan paradigma Wahyu Memandu Ilmu,
merupakan tekad seluruh
sivitas akademika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
sebagai icon peradaban untuk siap menyambung kembali zaman keemasan
peradaban Islam abad ke 9-13 Masehi;
Berlian Berjumlah Dua Belas Warna Biru yang membingkai melambangkan
Berlian Berjumlah Dua Belas Warna Biru yang membingkai melambangkan
perpaduan Iman, Ilmu, dan Amal,
serta menggambarkan jumlah
huruf “Laa Ilaaha Illallah”
sebagai simbol “Sains Tauhidullah”.
The history of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung
cannot be separated from the history of IAIN (State Institute for
Islamic Studies) SGD Bandung. Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University of Bandung was formally established based on the Decree of
the President of Republic of Indonesia Number 57/ 2005. Meanwhile, IAIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung was established on April 18th 1968/ 10
Muharram 1388 Hijriyah based on the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)
Regulation Number 56/1968.
IAIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung existed as a result of the demand of
Muslims prominent figures in West Java. The process began in 1967 when a
number of respected figures, like Ulama and Muslim intellectuals such
as K.H.A. Muiz, K.H.R. Sudja’i, and Arthata along with the consent of
the Governor of West Java, took the initiative to form the Preparation
Committee for IAIN. This committee was approved by the MORA Regulation
Number 128/1967.
Furthermore, under the MORA Regulation Number 56/1968, at the time of
the establishment, IAIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung had only four
faculties: (1) The Faculty of Islamic Laws; (2) The Faculty of Islamic
Education; (3) The Faculty of Theology in Bandung, and (4) The Faculty
of Islamic Education in Garut. The Faculties were located at Jalan
Lengkong Kecil Number 5 Bandung.In 1973, IAIN moved to Jalan Tangkuban
Perahu Number 14 Bandung. Since 1974, IAIN has been located on Jalan
Cipadung 105 Bandung. Due to changes on the district division in 1970,
The Faculty of Islamic Education in Bogor and The Faculty of Islamic
Laws in Sukabumi which were initially branches of the IAIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, were integrated into IAIN Bandung. The same was
true for the Faculty of Islamic Education in Cirebon which became a
branch of the IAIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung on March 5th 1976.
Until 2009, UIN Bandung which has seven faculties of Undergraduate
Studies and one faculty of Postgraduate Studies has been led by seven
rectors: Prof. K.H. Anwar Musaddad (1968-1972), Letkol H. Abjan
Soelaeman (1972-1973), Drs. H. Solahuddin Sanusi (1973-1977), Drs. H.
Djauharuddin AR (1977-1986), Prof. DR. H. Rachmat Djatnika (1986-1995),
Prof. Dr. H. Endang Soetari Ad., M.Si. (1995-2003), and Prof. Dr. H.
Nanat Fatah Natsir, MS. (2003-2011).In 2005, based on The Decree of the
President of Republic of Indonesia Number 57/ 2005, 10 October 2005/ 6
Ramadhan 1426 H, the status of IAIN Bandung was changed into UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung. Then, in 2006, based on the rule of Religion
Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6/2006 on organization and
Work Management, two additional faculties were established: Faculty of
Science and Technology and Faculty of Psychology.
The goals of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung are:
- To prepare students who possess the characteristic of akhlak al-karimah, spiritual wisdom, knowledgeable, and professional.
- To develop research into the development, the process and product of science and technology on Islamic values and social responsibility.
- To spread Islamic sciences and other Islamic based-sciences to strive to the social welfare and enrich national culture.
The vision of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung is to make an excellent and competitive university in integrating and developing Islamic studies with the contemporary sciences based on the paradigm: revelations guide science.
The mission of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung is to prepare the Ulul Albab generation that has the capability of:
Sumber : http://www.uinsgd.ac.id
The vision of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung is to make an excellent and competitive university in integrating and developing Islamic studies with the contemporary sciences based on the paradigm: revelations guide science.
The mission of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung is to prepare the Ulul Albab generation that has the capability of:
- Combining and practicing zikr and fikr in their entire life;
- Possessing spiritual, emotional, and intelligent quotient;
- Finding, developing, and applying science, technology, social, culture, and art.
Sumber : http://www.uinsgd.ac.id